Feb 14Liked by Frances Powless

Something about reading your posts always feel like catching up over a cup of tea with an old friend 🤎 I'm so sorry for the loss of your grandma—she sounds wonderful. Carbonara and natural wine night sounds like the perfect v-day evening.

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You’re so sweet. What a compliment! I always sit with a cup of tea when I write. I’ve really been enjoying the tea house as well!

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I'm very sorry for the loss of your beloved grandmother - but happy that she was able to meet Charlotte before she died!

You are doing a great job as a mom - it is evident in how you write and the happiness of your beautiful baby!

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Sorry to hear of you grandmother's passing. It sounds like she lived a storied life. Thank you for sharing a small glimpse of her with all of us. Also, the date caramels look delightful!

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