What you accomplished in a day is exactly what you needed to! My children are adults now but I still remember the plans I made before my daughter was born: baking, laundry, cooking, cleaning, writing letters, reading, exercising, etc., but I soon learned as you have that the best laid plans......

Being a temporarily single parent is even harder because there is no one to "take a turn" in the evenings. I think you are getting the most important chores done, and you have a beautiful, loved baby girl.

I enjoy reading about your adventures in Houston and in France, thank you so much for sharing! I also am excited about the upcoming racing and I hope Neilson has a great season!

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I too struggle with finding time to address all the creativity floating through my brain. When my husband comes home at the end of the afternoon, I find my self often apologizing for not doing this or that because I place the expectation on myself that I should’ve time managed better & just maybe I could’ve gotten *everything* done. I love how you say that you kept a baby fed & loved - so true and I’ll think of that next time I have those feelings of guilt 🩷

I have an almost 4 year old (& a 7 month old) & time goes so quickly. One day I’ll be back to exercising regularly or committing to regular things, but for now my job is to love.

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